Monday, October 15, 2018


1.      Be on leave : sedang cuti
Ex: If I be on leave, I will cook delicious soup for you.
2.      Be out of work : sedang menganggur
Ex: Her husband was out of work, so they have incurred dept.
3.      Run a risk : menanggung resiko
Ex: Dian was ready to run a risk by getting those contrack.
4.      Bite off more than one can chew : mengambil tanggungjawab melebihi kemampuan.
Ex: Working for 10 hours per day, Ismail is bitting off more than he can chew.
5.      Jump to conclusion : mengambil kesimpulan terlalu cepat
Ex: He jumped to coclusion the project without asking someone else.
6.      By hook or by crook : tak peduli halal atau haram
Ex: There was a man in this office who earned money by hook or by crook.
7.      Keep an eye on : mengawasi
Ex: The bodyguard is keeping an eye on his boss from the corner of the room.
8.      See eye to eye : setuju sepenuhnya
Ex: My boss saw eye to eye with my advice.
9.      Look down upon : memandang rendah
Ex: A corrupt leader is looked down upon by the  official employee.
10.  Run into debt : mempunyai hutang
Ex: The company run into dept and then bankrupt.
11.  Bull headed : keras kepala
Ex: Andy has a boss who was very bull headed.
1.      Step down : untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan/ mengundurkan diri.
Ex: Mr. Bean stepped down as the head of department in January.
2.      Bail out : memecahkan/keluar dari suatu permasalahan.
Ex: The manager bail out to overcome the problems in this company that almost bankrupt.
3.      Bring off : untuk berhasil dalam mencapai sesuatu yang sulit.
Ex: They successfully brought off their plans to relocate the company to Malaysia.
4.      Burn out : sangat lelah/sakit karena terlalu banyak kerja/stres.
Ex: He burned himself out because he worked too hard.
5.      Cash up : menghitung semua uang pada akhir hari kerja.
Ex: When we cashed up we realised we'd had our best day ever in the shop!
6.      Contract out to : melakukan kontrak/kerjasama dengan perusahaan lain.
Ex: We are contracting out our web design service to a local web designer.
7.      Copy in somebody: mengirim seseorang salinan berkas anda.
Ex: Would you like me to copy you in on all my official correspondence?
8.      Drawn up : mempersiapkan dokumen atau rencana.
Ex: The architect has drawn up plans for our new building.
9.      Close down : menutup secara permanen sebuah bisnis/berhenti melakukan bisnis.
Ex: He is unemployed because the factory where he worked has closed down. 
10.  Put off : menunda.
Ex: Don’t put off your jobs because the deadline is tomorrow.
11.  Fall Through : gagal.
Ex: I hope the deal doesn’t fall through.
12.  Lay off : berhenti mempekerjakan kariawan.
Ex: Many companies laid off workers during the recession.
13.  Knuckle down : bekerja atau belajar sangat keras.
Ex: We all knuckled down and finished the work before the deadline.
John: Hi Joe, where our boss? I don’t see him in his office.
Joe: Our boss is sick, and he was on leave for four days ahead.
John: and then, who will keep an eye on and control for all?
Joe: He gave me a mandate to all.
John: Great you are, you have to knuckle down for it.
Joe: thank you, I should be able to hold and carry out the mandate it.
John: should it, but remember, don’t take Bite off more than one can chew.
Joe: I can do it.
John: don’t bull headed, don’t look down upon, the responsibilities given to you is very great, and you shall run a risk.
Joe: therefor, I have to knuckle down brought off.
1. My sister is busy. . . . to apply for jobs in Jakarta. (Drawn up)
2. The business owner went bankrupt and . . . . (Close down)
3. The secretary was . . . .  and unwilling to accept input from the boss. (Bull headed)
4. The leader always . . . . his employees. (Keep an eye on)
5. That person becomes stressed because they have to . . . . was so great. (Run a risk)
6. Before starting a job, he . . . . to his boss. (Contract out to)
7. Because the work is heavy, finally he . . . . (Step down)
8. Because he . . . . finally he worked without pay. (Run into debt)
9. He should repeat the test for second time, because the first thing he had . . . . (Fall though)
10. The workers were sanctioned, because . . . . shipments abroad. (Put off)

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