Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Berbagai Makanan Khas Demak yang Paling di Minati

Perlu anda tau Kabupaten Demak, merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kabupaten demak ini berbatasan dengan Laut Jawa di barat, Kabupaten Jepara di utara, Kabupaten Kudus di timur, Kabupaten Grobogan di tenggara, serta Kota Semarang dan Kabupaten Semarang di sebelah barat.

Ini yang kita tunggu-tunggu yaitu makanan khasnya makanan khas demak, jawa tengah. Nah berikut ini beberapa makanan khas demak :

1. Nasi Ndoreng

Nasi Ndoreng

Nasi Ndoreng adalah masakan khas dari Demak yang biasanya di sajikan Pada event Megengan di Alun-Alun Demak. Nasi Ndoreng mudah dijumpai. Nasi Ndoreng terbuat dari campuran Nasi, dan Urap yaitu berbagai macam sayur-sayuran, Pelas (Botok).

2. Nasi Brongkos

Nasi Brongkos

Nasi Brongkos merupakan masakan khas dari Kabupaten Demak. Nasi Brongkos adalah masakan yang menjadi santapan pagi alias untuk sarapan. Sedangkan jika anda ingin membuatnya sendiri ini bahan-bahannya untuk membuat nasi brongkos adalah buah kentang, buncis, kacang merah, santan, serai, jahe, lengkuas, daun salam, minyak goreng, Garam. Sedangkan bumbunya terbuat dari nangka muda, bawang putih, bawang merah, asam jawa, gula.

3. Botok Telur Asin
Botok Telur Asin

Botok Telur Asin adalah masakan khas dari Demak, Masakan Botok Telur Asin kini tidak hanya di Demak tapi sudah ada dimana-mana hingga di Jakarta dapat ditemukan masakan ini. Nah jika anda ingin memasaknya sendiri ini yang perlu anda siapkan sebelumnya : yang pokok adalah telur asin mentah, tahu, kelapa parut kasar, cabai merah besar, daun salam, cabai rawit merah, daun pisang, air. Sedangkan bahan bumbu Botok Telur Asin adalah bawang merah, bawang putih, lengkuas, kencur, garam, gula merah.

Cara botok telur rebus air, bumbu halus, tahu, kelapa, dan cabai merah sampai mendidih dan harum. Ambil daun pisang. Letakkan selembar daun salam. Ambil sedikit campuran tahu. Pecahkan 1 butir telur asin. Beri satu buah cabai rawit. Bungkus tum. Semat dengan lidi. Kukus di atas api sedang 30 menit sampai matang. Sajikan botok telur asin dengan nasi putih.

4. Bakso Balungan
Bakso Balungan

Bakso Balungan ini juga merupakan makanan khas masyarakat Demak. bakso ini adalah salah satu jenis masakan bakso yang menambahkan balungan (tulang) di dalam Penyajianya. Bakso Balungan yang menjadikan khasnya makanan dari Demak ini. Awalnya Bakso balungan ini muncul dari bisnis soto kerbau yang menjadi ciri khas soto di kawasan Demak, Kudus, Pati, dan sekitarnya. Kalau daging kerbau banyak dipakai untuk soto dan rawon, tulangnya dimanfaatkan untuk campuran bakso.

5. Asem-Asem Demak
Asem-Asem Demak

Asem-Asem Daging atau Asem-Asem ini juga merupakan masakan khas dari Kabupaten Demak. Meskipun berasal dari Demak namun Asem Asem Daging juga terdapat di daerah lain di Jateng, DIY dan Jatim. Asem-Asem Demak terbuat dari beberapa bahan yaitu daging sapi, kacang panjang/ buncis, tomat hijau, bilimbing wuluh. Sedangkan bumbunya terbuat dari bawang merah, bawang putih, daun salam, laos, cabe merah besar, Kecap manis, garam dan merica.
Cara membuatnya Asem-asem ini Rebus potongan daging dengan 600 -700 ml air hingga kaldu keluar, bersihkan busa yang keluar dari rebusan daging saat awal-awal merebus , supaya bersih. Masukkan bumbu-bumbu, belimbing wuluh dan tomat hijau, kecilkan api. Beri kecap manis, garam dan merica, cicipi hingga pas selera anda. Masak dengan api kecil supaya bumbu meresap ke daging, masukkan kacang panjang / buncis. Setelah daging meresap dan kuah asam manis nya pas, matikan api. Makan saat masih hangat.

Bagaimana Bisa Dapat Uang 100jt per Bulan dari YOUTUBE/BLOG

Perlu dipahami bersama bahwa yang namanya cari duit di internet itu sebenarnya gampang-gampang susah atau susah-susah gampang. Intinya sama seperti kita cari duit di dunia nyata.
kuncinya tetap harus kerja keras, telaten dan konsisten. untuk awal membangun channel youtube ataupun membangun sebuah blog itu butuh perjuangan panas perih pagi, siang , malam. Boleh jadi, mungkin juga harus siap ditertawakan oleh teman-teman di sekitar anda.
setelah membuat channel youtube atau blog kita juga harus telaten & konsisten. Namanya rejeki naik turun maka kita harus telaten. kemudian upload lah video secara rutin walaupun sehari cuma 1 buah. begitu juga dengan blog posting artikel secara rutin juga.
karena saya sendiri juga awalnya tidak percaya dengan youtube, blog, atau adsense. pertama kali diterima adsense, dulu senengnya bukan main sampe jingkrak-jingkrak segala dan saya juga sebenarnya pemain baru kemarin, bukan senior atau sesepuh.
dari awal gajian 3 bln sekali, 2 bln sekali, 1 bln sekali, kemudian naik 150$/bln, 200$/bln, 300$/bln, 500$/bln, naik lg 700$/bln, 1000$/bln, 1600$/bln, 100$/hari, naik lagi, naik terus, terus, terus, terus, & teruuuuussssss sampe sekarang... semua berproses, tidak tiba-tiba atau ujug-ujug (bahasa jawanya).
itu semua, sepengalaman saya karena saya tidak pernah berhenti untuk update artikel, untuk upload video... itu saya lakukan hampir setiap hari pagi, siang & malam di sela-sela kesibukan saya bekerja di dunia nyata.
jangan beranggapan, malam ini buat channel youtube, kemudian besoknya langsung gajian 10juta/bln atau 100juta/bln. atau baru upload beberapa video saja maunya berharap demikian... kan kagak mungkin broooo...
demikian informasi yang bisa saya kasih tau semoga bermanfaat bagi teman-teman semua.

Tips Cara Mendapatkan Uang Dari Google AdSense

Ada banyak cara mendapatkan uang dari google AdSense dan berbagai cara bisa kita dapatkan asalkan kita ada kemauan lebih dan ACTION yang kuat. Berikut ini 4 cara mendapatkan uang dari google adsense.
1. blogger (membuat artikel)
2. youtube (membuat video)
3. admob (membuat apk dan menshare di playstore)
4. cse (custom search engine)

Dari 4 cara diatas, yang paling ringan menurut saya adalah menjadi seorang blogger. MEngapa? karena tidak mengharuskan adanya internet berkecepatan tinggi. ibarat kata, cukup modal kuota 1-2 gb aja mungkin bisa. Dan dapat kapanpun serta dimanapun membuat artikel di hp.
Dan bagaimana agar artikel kita banyak yang baca ataupun banyak pengunjungnya di blog kita. Untuk itu kita bisa promosikan blog supaya mudah terkenal, ada beberapa cara yg bisa dibuat dan dilakukan:
1. fanspage (halaman fb), pasang foto cewek cantik/ cowok ganteng supaya banyak penggemar 
2. setiap artikel, share di fp tersebut
3. supaya banyak yg ngeklik, buat judul yang bikin penasaran.

Dari ke 4 cara diatas, semuanya sangat profitable dan menjanjikan jika digeluti secara konsisten. Tinggal anda mampunyai minat sampai dimana.
Yang paling penting adalah ACTION sekarang juga, jangan bilang nanti dan jangan menunda-nunda karena ini semua adalah proyek jangka panjang yg hasilnya bisa dirasakan sampe anak cucu kita kelak.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Apakah Belajar Itu?

Jadi manusia itu diciptakan oleh Tuhan sebagai khalifah di atas bumi dilengkapi dengan akal sehat serta hasrat ingin tahu, sehingga ia selalu tanya atau mempertanyakan sesuatu, mulai dari hal-hal yang sangat sederhana sampai pada hal-hal yang sangat rumit. Oleh karena itu, mengapa manusia belajar? Jawabnya “karena manusia ingin mengetahui atau memperoleh pengetahuan, nilai, sikap dan keterampilan”. Kemudian dijawab dengan lantang kembali ”manusia belajar karena mempunyai bakat  untuk belajar, yang dipacu oleh sikap ingin tahu dan didukung oleh kemampuan untuk mengetahui”.
Kemampuan manusia untuk  belajar adalah ciri yang sangat penting yang membedakan manusia dengan hewan. Kelakuan dan kemampuan melakukan sesuatu pada hewan tidak diperoleh melalui proses belajar, tetapi melalui mekanisme naluri yang berkembang dengan sendirinya, dan tidak dapat meningkat karena dibatasi oleh suatu pola yang sudah tertentu. Belajar bagi manusia memainkan peranan penting dalam pewarisan kebudayaan berupa kumpulan pengetahuan nilai sikap dan keterampilan kepada generasi pelanjut. Belajar adalah suatu kata yang sudah akrab dengan semua lapisan masyarakat. Bagi para pelajar atau mahasiswa kata “belajar” merupakan kata yang tidak asing. Bahkan sudah merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari semua kegiatan mereka dalam menuntut ilmu di lembaga pendidikan formal. Kegiatan belajar mereka lakukan setiap waktu sesuai dengan keinginan. Entah malam hari siang hari, sore hari, atau pagi hari.

The Material About Passive Voice


A.      Definition of passive voice
          The passive voice is a form of sentence where the subject of the sentence receives the action, not the action. Unlike the active voice which is the focus of the parties doing the action (doer of action), this form is more focusedon the parties or the object that receives the result of an action (receives of action).
Example :
My parents plants some flowers ( doer of action )
Some flowers are planted bay my parents ( receives or action )
Ø  To make an active sentence into passive sentence, follow this steps.

1.       Place the complement of the active sentence at the beginning of the passive sentence.
2.       If there are any auxiliaries in the active sentence, place them immediately after the new subject agreeing in number with the subject.
3.       Insert the verb be after the auxialry or auxiliaries in the same form as the main verb in the actice sentence.
4.       Place the main verb form the active sentence after the auxiliaries and be in the past participle.
5.       Place the main subject form the active sentence after the verb in the passive sentence preceded by the preposition by. ( this can be eliminated complitely if it is not important or is understood ).
B.      The functions of passive voice
The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.

Example :
·         The passive voice is used frequently. (= we are interested in the passive voice, not in who uses it.)
·         The house was built in 1654. (= we are interested in the house, not in who built it.)
·         The road is being repaired. (= we are interested in the road, not in the people who are doing the repairs.)

Sometimes we use the passive voice because we don't know or do not want to express who performed the action.
Example :
·         I noticed that a window had been left open.
·         Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.
·         All the cookies have been eaten.
·         My car has been stolen!
The passive voice is often used in formal texts. Switching to the active voice will make your writting clearer easier to read.
A greal deal of meaning is coveyed by a few well-chosen words.
A few well-chosen words convey a great deal of meaning.
Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gases.
A mass of gases wrap around our planet.
Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of ways.
The city disposes of waste material in a variety of ways.
If we want to say who or what performs the action while using the passive voice, we use the preposition by. When we know who performed the action and are interested in him, it is always better to switch to the active voice instead.
"A Hard Day's Night" was written by the Beatles
The Beatles wrote "A Hard Day's Night".
The movie ET was directed by Spielberg.
Spielberg directed the movie ET.
This house was built by my father.
My father built this house.
Passive voice with infinitives
The infinitive passive voice is used after modal verbs and other most verbs normally followed by an infinitive.
·         You have to be tested on your English grammar.
·         John might be promoted next year.
·         She wants to be invited to the party.
·         I expect to be surprised on my birthday.
·         You may be disappointed.

Passive voice with gerunds
Gerunds are used after prepositions and verbs normally followed by a gerund.
  • I remember being taught to drive.
  • The children are excited about being taken to the zoo.
  • The children are excited to be taken to the zoo.
  • Most film stars hate being interviewed.
  • Most film stars hate to be interviewed.
  • Poodles like to be pampered.
  • Poodles like being pampered.
Using "to be born"
"To be born" is an passive form and is most commonly used in the past tense. However, in some cases, the present or future tense is appropriate.
  • I was born in 1976.
  • Where were you born?
  • Around 100 babies are born in this hospital every week.
  • We don't know on exactly which day the baby will be born.

The passive vs the active voice:

The Active Voice
The Passive Voice
Most countries in Latin America speak Spanish.
Spanish is spoken in most countries in latin America.

Use of the passive voice:

1.       Passive voice is used when the focus in on the action. It is not important or not know, however, who or what is perfoming the action.

Example : a letter was written. The focus, here, in on the fact that a letter was written, we don’t know, however, who wrote it.


2.       Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following.
Example : a vase was broken. Focus, here, in on the fact that a vase was brokes, but we don’t blame anyone. Compare this to : “you broke the vase”.

C.        The structure of passive voice
As previously stated, the passive voice in English is formed by combining a form of the verb to be with the past participle of a transitive verb. Its overall structure and its contrast with the active voice is probably easier to see if they are displayed in a paradigm of traditional English verb tenses.

Form the passive voice.
Subject + the appropiate form of to be + pas participle
NOTE: The appropriate form of to be = To be is put in the the tense of the active voice main verb.
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
·      The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.
·      The form of the verb is the appropriate form of to be (the tense of the active voice main verb) + the past participle.
·      The subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped.)
Example :
is made
(by Nancy)
object becoming subject
subject becoming object or is dropped
·         Present Time
Simple Present
Use the simple present tense to make a generalization, to present a state of being, or to
indicate a habitual or repeated action.
base form or “-s/-es” form
am/is/are + past participle
Professor Brown teaches at Hunter.
Sonia is taught by Professor Brown.
All humans are equal.
All humans are created equal.
Maria eats in the cafeteria.
The cafeteria is cleaned
Present Progressive
Use the present progressive to describe an ongoing activity or a temporary action.
am/is/are + -ing
am/is/are + being + -ed/-en
The students are learning Spanish.
Classes are being conducted in Spanish.
I am working at McDonald’s until I finish school.
He is being hired to work at McDonald’s.

Present Perfect
Use the present perfect to describe an action occurring in the past but relevant to the present, or extending to the present.
has/have + -ed/-en
has/have + been + -ed/-en
Hunter has opened a language institute in East Harlem.
The language institute has been opened to relocate students off the main campus.
Hunter has offered E.S.L courses for twenty years.
E.S.L. courses have been offered since the beginning of Open Admissions

·      Past Time
Simple Past
Use the simple past to indicate a general or habitual action occurring in the past or at a
specific time in the past.

base + -ed or irregular form
was/were + -ed/-en
Our family bought all our clothes at Sears when I was young.
The clothes were bought by my mother
On my fifteenth birthday, my uncle gave me one hundred dollars
The money was given to me to buy new clothes.
When I was in high school, my friends and I drove to the mall on weekends.
We were always driven to the mall by my friend's older brother.
In informal conversation, speakers of English often express habitual behavior in the past using the modal “would.”

would + base
would + be + -ed/-en
We would usually eat burgers in the food court.
Most of the french fries would be eaten before we got to the table.
Past Progressive
Use the past progressive to indicate an ongoing action in the past or an action continuing through a specific past time.

was/were + -ing
was/were + being + -ed/-en
Mary and Paul were dating in those days.
One afternoon, Mary was being kissed by Paul when her mother passed by.
Past Perfect
Use the past perfect to indicate an action completed prior to a particular time or before
another action in the past.

had + -ed/-en
had + been + -ed/-en
Mary's mother was shocked because she had forbidden her daughter to date.
Mary had been kissed many times before that day.
·         Future Time
Simple Future
Use the future to indicate an action that is expected to take place at a future time.
will + base
will + be + -ed/-en
Paul and Mary will marry in June.

They will be married by a priest and a rabbi.
am/is/are going to + base
am/is/are + going to be + -ed/-en
Mary is going to wear her grandmother's gown.
The gown is going to be adjusted to fit Mary.
Future Progressive
Use the future progressive to indicate an action in future with emphasis on continuing

Examples of the passive voice:

Simple Present
is made
by Nancy.
Present Progressive
is making
is being made
by Nancy.
Simple Past
was made
by Nancy.
Past Progressive
was making
was being made
by Nancy.
Present Perfect
has made
has been made
by Nancy.
Past Perfect
had made
had been made
by Nancy.
Future simple
will make
will be made
by Nancy.
Future perfect
will have made
will have been made
by Nancy.
would make
would be made
by Nancy.
can make
can be made
by Nancy.

Passive voice sentences with two Objects:

Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive voice means that one of the two objects becomes the subject, the other one remains an object. Which object to transform into a subject depends on what you want to put the focus on.
Object 1
Object 2
a flower
to me.
A flower
was offered
to me
by Nancy.
was offered
a flower
by Nancy.

Impersonal Passive:

Study these examples:

·         They say that the planet is in danger.
·         It is said that the planet is in danger.
This type of passive is called impersonal because we use the impersonal form "it is..." This is only possible with verbs of perception (e. g. say, think, know ...)


·         It is said that...
·         It is thought that...
·         It is believed that...
·         It is known that...                      
It is also common that we start the passive form of these sentences with the subject of the that-clause:


·         They say that the planet is in danger.= The planet is said to be in danger.
·         They think that women live longer than men. = Women are thought to live longer.


A . Pyle. Michael, and Ellen. Mary. M. P. 1991. TOEFL preaparation guide. USA
Mas’ud, fuad. 2005. Essentials of English Grammar “a practice guide”. Yogyakarta : BPFE YOGYAKARTA